Tuesday, 12 August 2008


I visited West Wales on the weekend, and very nice it was too. I went to see a waterfall

and of course I made sure to visit a local library! Unfortunately, as it was Sunday afternoon, the library was closed. so I couldn't meet any new friends.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

My favourite things...

It has to be said that most of my favourite things in libraries can be found in the children's areas. All sorts of fun goes on in there, especially over the holidays.

In Central library, I'm really looking forward to the Pirates and Mermaids party on 17th August. I love fancy dress and have my own eye patch!

I get a bit lonely on Mondays when my library is closed, so yesterday I took some photos to show you the lovely children's area in Central library.

Here's the reading tower - you can climb in and read books or play with the magnetic story tiles.

You can listen to stories at the listening post....

Or hide in the reading hideaway - can you spot me?